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Thanksgiving Day Tips for Seniors and Their Families

Thanksgiving is a great occasion to get together with family members, young and old. It’s one of the most enjoyable holidays of the year, but it can also bring its share of challenges. With some advance planning, it can be a very special time for you and your loved ones.

Holidays and other events that change the daily routine may be tiring for your Senior loved one, so make sure he or she has a little extra help, arranging for a Caregiver to help your loved one get dressed and ready to go to the event help put them at ease.


There are many ways you can prepare to make the home safe and comfortable for a senior friendly gathering. Hazards that could lead to trips or falls should be removed. Arrange for a special seat at the end of the table with extra room as walkers and canes can make getting up and down from the dinner table difficult.

Helping Out

Seniors should never feel left out of the equation, especially when it comes to holidays. There are ways they can help in the kitchen without getting in the way or hurt, and they will be thrilled to be able to contribute. Something as simple as picking the menu, a no bake side dish, setting the table or helping with dessert are great ways to get involved.


Connecting with family is key. During the meal, try to bridge generation gaps by asking each other to share something, such as their proudest moment, the first president they remember, or a fun story from the past that left a lasting impression. Give thanks! This is the best time of year to consider the people and things you appreciate in life. Studies have shown that gratitude can have a positive impact on your health! It can relieve depression, lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and even facilitate more efficient sleep.

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