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News from the Home Care Aide Team

Summer greetings from the Home Care Aide team! In June 2019 our department celebrated the retirement of our Hiring Recruiter, Angela Spinelli.  She will be greatly missed, but we wish her all the best with her retirement.  We are excited to announce that her position has been filled by Racheal Gonzalez.  Racheal is doing a […]

Greetings from Scheduling!

We would like to welcome our new Scheduling Assistant, Darlene MacDonald.  Darlene has been a fabulous addition to our team.  She has a kind heart and cheerful spirit that our caregivers and clients enjoy.  Darlene was a caregiver with HomeLife for many years prior to becoming a scheduling assistant.  Her caregiving experience has contributed to […]

Trim Your Electric Bill with These Energy-Saving Tips

As of the summer of 2018, the average US household spends $183 a month on their electric bill alone, and prices are steadily rising, according to the US Department of Energy. The first step to demystifying your electricity bill, and hopefully reducing it, is to take stock of where you use the most energy. You can find a […]

Advice from a Caregiver on Stress Reduction Strategies

Lisa Bailey is a kindergarten teacher and caregiver to children and her husband who is undergoing cancer treatment. She shares her top coping strategies in this article for living a balanced life as a caregiver. You may find some of these strategies helpful in your own journey. Make all choices from a solid base of […]

How to Cultivate New Friends as You Age

As baby boomers age, more and more folks will reach their 80s, 90s—and beyond. They will not only lose friends but face the daunting task of making new friends at an advanced age. Even in your 90s, the notion of being a sole survivor can seem surprising. Perhaps that’s why 91-year-old Lucille Simmons of Lakeland, […]

5 Natural Ways to Improve Oxygen Levels

The feeling of being out of breath (dyspnea) is a sensation that is well known to those who suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Although it is common for those experiencing shortness of breath to use oxygen therapy (oxygen tanks) to cope, the downsides can include fatigue, headaches, and dry or bloody noses. Further, when […]

Autumn: The Cooling Off Season

Sandwiched between blazing summer and chilly winter, Autumn is known as the “cooling off season.”  Night-time arrives earlier, temperatures begin to drop, and most noticeably our surrounding landscapes turn to beautiful hues of orange, yellow and red. The best part of welcoming Autumn is the variety of sights, smells, flavors, and activities.  As we age, […]

Fall Prevention

“Each year more than one in four adults aged 65 and older will fall. This represents 29 million falls,3 million emergency room visits and 800,000 hospitalizations” Falls and accidents seldom “just happen.” The more you take care of your overall health and well-being, the more likely you’ll be to lower your chances of falling. Here […]

8 Autumn Health and Home Safety Tips for Seniors

Regions around the country are starting to experience their first tastes of the cooler temperatures and shorter days fall has in store for them. Don’t miss this quick essential checklist for seniors looking to safeguard their health and safety this season.   Get a Flu Vaccine Last year’s flu was a brutal one killing upwards […]

Thanksgiving Day Tips for Seniors and Their Families

Thanksgiving is a great occasion to get together with family members, young and old. It’s one of the most enjoyable holidays of the year, but it can also bring its share of challenges. With some advance planning, it can be a very special time for you and your loved ones. Holidays and other events that […]

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