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Autumn: The Cooling Off Season

Sandwiched between blazing summer and chilly winter, Autumn is known as the “cooling off season.”  Night-time arrives earlier, temperatures begin to drop, and most noticeably our surrounding landscapes turn to beautiful hues of orange, yellow and red.

The best part of welcoming Autumn is the variety of sights, smells, flavors, and activities.  As we age, one of the most important things we can do for our health is to remain active with both our mind and bodies. Take this time to try new things.

Have you heard the buzz about Hygge (pronounced HOO-gah)? It’s the Danish word for “cozy” and it is a popular lifestyle trend that involves friends coming together by firelight or candlelight to delight in the warmth of camaraderie and activeness such as games, reading, knitting, or simply enjoying a cup of tea with friends.  Hygge pastimes are a creative way to keep you social and active.

Another great way to take in the fall season is to take a walk and enjoy the crisp air and beautiful colors. If it’s too strenuous on your own, ask your caregiver to accompany you, invite a friend, neighbor or grandchild.

We hope  you enjoy a happy, healthy and fun fall season!

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