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Tips for Organizing Health Information

A trip to the emergency room made me realize why caregivers are advised to organize heath information. When Mom broke her hip, I called an ambulance. When it arrived, I confidently recited Mom’s Medicare number. When asked what medications she took, I pulled out our basket of pill bottles. At the hospital, the questions got […]

Capturing Family Memories with Oral Histories

We find ourselves in a world-wide genealogy craze, as a variety of DNA testing options have become available and increasingly affordable, and a wide array of genealogy websites invite those who are mildly curious about their ancestry to dive in—sometimes hooking them into a life-long passion. But what many people discover when they begin their […]

15 Myths About the Flu Vaccine

Flu season is here. And along with the coughing, fevers and aches, you can expect a lot of unreliable or downright wrong information about the flu vaccine. Many people underestimate the health risks from flu. Flu and pneumonia combined consistently rank among the top 10 causes of death in the U.S., according to the U.S. […]

Healthy Caregiving During the Holidays

Many caregivers are perpetually tired from the demands that result from caring for their loved one. Just the thought of your normal routine plus decorating the house, attending special events, shop­ping for gifts, and preparing special food for the holidays can be overwhelming. But what if you had more control over the events, expectations, and […]

Our Caregiver of the Season Winner is Tayler Butler!

We wish to congratulate our Caregiver of the Season, Tayler Bulter! Tayler has been a caregiver with Personal Aid Nurse & Home Care Inc since October of 2018, and she excelled right from the start! Tayler’s empathetic and caring heart shows through the dedication and compassion she gives to her clients.  She fully commits herself to […]

Lowering Your Tax Burden on Retirement Savings

You worked hard to put money away for retirement, so it is important that you understand the various strategies available to you to make sure you maximize that savings by minimizing taxes and avoiding penalties. Here are several tips to maximize your retirement savings: Avoid early withdrawal penalties. Over and above the income tax due […]

The Benefits of a Therapy Pet for Seniors

For many older adults, mobility limitations, health issues and low energy can keep them from the social engagement they once enjoyed. Especially in seniors who live alone, social isolation can lead to loneliness, depression and poor physical health. Pet therapy has been shown to benefit seniors by improving depression and anxiety symptoms, increasing self-care, and […]

Our Brains Need Exercise, Too

Although life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900, our “mindspan”—how long we stay cognitively healthy—hasn’t kept pace. Forgetfulness, slower processing and feeling less sharp plague most of us as we age. One in five people develops mild cognitive impairment, a decline in thinking skills beyond normal aging, which may or may not advance to […]

Hospice Care Might Benefit Your Loved One Sooner Than You Think

Promoting independence and “successful aging” is a laudable goal for many. But it’s not the reality for people caring for anyone diagnosed with a terminal illness or a relative who struggles to manage day to day as a result of debilitating health conditions and growing frailty. Most people would prefer to talk about wellness rather […]

Our Caregiver of the Quarter Winner is Kelli Mayer!

We wish to congratulate our caregiver of the quarter, Kelli Mayer!  She has been an outstanding caregiver by providing our clients with dependable and reliable care.  Kelli has a strong work ethic and an empathetic heart.  Right from the start we knew she would be a good fit with HomeLife.  Her availability is flexible, and […]

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