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Happy March!

Since last month was all about love, it made me think… what comes to mind when I think of March? The first thing I thought of was happiness. I mean, how could one not be happy when winter is almost behind us, all the beautiful spring colors are popping, and the weather is warming up!

Which leads us into one of our favorite times of the year… Daylight Savings. Now I know this semi-annual ritual can be a bit of a nuisance (springing forward costs us an hour of sleep) and it affects people one way or the other. But the silver lining is we get more daylight which gives us more time for outdoor activities, and we could all use some Vitamin D.

Below are some reminders and tips to help prepare for the transition on March 13th. While the loss of an hour’s sleep Saturday night can affect everyone differently it hits older adults a little harder than most. Sleep problems already are a struggle for many older people, and an additional disruption to their schedules can be more than a little inconvenience. With a little thought and preparation, you can handle the time change with little disruption.

Sleep patterns: These are a concern for all of us, but if naps are taken during the day, make sure there are some changes to this schedule. Over napping to make up for the short overnight just prolongs the adjustment time and any accompanying disorientation.

Driving: Nobody is safe behind the wheel when they’re sleepy. Some studies have looked at whether traffic accidents, and in particular fatal accidents, increase significantly following the start of Daylight Savings Time. Whether a cause-and-effect relationship is there, or if other factors play a role, it’s always a good idea to check our own readiness – and that of those in our care – before we take to the roads.

Meal times: It can be a struggle to convince yourself to take a meal when they’re not hungry. But skipping the breakfast or lunch routine even for a day or two can encourage other eating decisions throughout the day that are less favorable. Even if you decide to go with lighter fare for the first couple of meals, maintain the regular pattern as closely as possible.

Medication times: Taking prescribed medicines and performing other doctor-directed activities at the appropriate times throughout the day is an important part of any health and wellness care plan. Some directives, like taking a specific medication at meal times, may be easy enough to adjust, but many older adults rely on electronic medical reminders throughout the day. Make sure the time is adjusted appropriately on this equipment to avoid getting off schedule.

Timers: Speaking of timers, in modern homes, many more devices have built-in clocks than ever before. Things like phones and television tuners often update automatically, but others like light timers, cook timers, coffee makers, video recorders may not. It is important to double check all devices around the home.

Battery check: The American Red Cross and other safety officials also remind us that the semiannual time change is a good time to test and replace the batteries in smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and other safety equipment.

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