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Easy Vegetable Soup

When it comes to fall cuisine, hearty soups and stews are the best. This soup is packed with all the ingredients you crave on a chilly autumn day. The best thing about this soup is you can add any veggies that you like! My go-to ingredients are spinach, celery, potatoes, zucchini, and corn. Recipe 4 […]

Happy March!

Since last month was all about love, it made me think… what comes to mind when I think of March? The first thing I thought of was happiness. I mean, how could one not be happy when winter is almost behind us, all the beautiful spring colors are popping, and the weather is warming up! […]

Good Times!

Once a month we hold an event for our Caregivers to recognize and thank them for all their hard work. This last month our theme was VIP and we celebrated our “Caregiver Stars” who have been with HomeLife for over 5 years! We enjoyed movie themed snacks with some fun movies playing in the background, […]

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