T’s Poetry


Canadian Resources

This resource provides links for assisting victims of domestic, family and partner violence. Also, it links non-profit organizations in order to supply educational information on the subject of abuse. It contains links to services, shelters and foundations which contribute aid to survivors of abuse.

States resources

This resource provides phone number to helplines in each state. Also, it has the National Domestic Violence Hotlne readily available. It contains relationship safety information and fact sheets to help victims identify their circumstances. Finally, a health center locator at the bottom of the page provides victims with the closest locations for finding help.


CEDAW (The Commitee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) is an extension of the United Nations Human Rights. The commitee of 23 experts aim to help women in their daily lives around the globe. The reason CEDAW is essential to women: states that do not oblige to the Convention must eliminate discrimination in regards to women’s daily lives, protect women’s developments, prioritize women’s freedom of right and fix the concerns brought to their attention by the Commitee. The Commitee holds events to generate discussion and change in our society for women’s rights. Also, the Commitee attempts to aid in the creation of laws specific to protecting women in their daily lives. This resource is a great place to learn about the global issues women face and the ways in which you can help.

Helping Abusers Resource: Center for Prevention of Abuse

This resource offers victims and abusers a place to gain education, therapy and most importantly help. There is information on the possible aids for abusers and the ways we can help them come to terms with their actions. It is important to recognize the mental state of an abuser and the trauma that has been passed down. Shaming an abuser will not help them; guding them towards healthier coping mechanisms and healing resources will help them.