Trinity Royal
From Suffering To Healing Book
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About Trinity Royal
Trinity is a multi-award-winning author and a spiritual warrior. While life might not always work out according to plan, Trinity was able to take valuable lessons from each new experience. Trinity grew and developed and now shares a passion for enlightening others on spiritual knowledge in the hopes of closing the gap between Heaven and Earth. Trinity’s writings reflect the depths of a passion and desire to connect with everyone seeking spiritual growth and education.
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Welcome to Heaven
Your Graduation from Kindergarten Earth School to Heaven
“I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” – John 14:3
Ever wonder if Heaven is real? What proof do we have?
How does one go to Heaven? What are the minimum requirements for Heaven?
Why Life of Earth is your Kindergarten school?
Trinity explores the following:
- Isn’t Heaven just a mind concept? What is the proof of its existence?
- Why do I even bother about Heaven? What is in it for me?
- What are the minimum requirements to go to Heaven or the ticket booth to Heaven?
- Why is life on Earth your kindergarten school?
- Are there different levels to heaven? If so, how many? What are they?
- Does the time and space continuum exist in Heaven? If so how different is it compared to Earth’s time and space?
- What body will you have in heaven?
- Where will you go when you die? What exactly happens after death-sleep?
- What happens to all our life experiences, including successes, failures, shortcomings, and illnesses after death?
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